Kieselbach, Catherine Elisabeth

Katie was born in Leimbach, Sachsen-Meinign, German on June 3, 1843 and christened in the Evangelische Kirche, Leimbach on June 10, 1843. She emigrated from Germany, leaving the port of Bremen aboard the sailing barque, Louisiana with her mother and seven other family members. They arrived at the port of New York on May 17, 1860, stating their final destinaton to be Cleveland, Ohio. She married John M. Weiss in 1868 and this union produced ten children.
On May 17, 1866, she filed a petition for separation in the Cole County Circuit Court (Volume M, 1884-1890, Book AA, Page 193, Cole County, Missouri) but changed her mind about the separation; perhaps she knew he was terminally ill and did not want to risk losing her share of the estate). On August 25, 1887 (Probate Court Records, 1834-1889, Vol. K, Cole County, MO) Katherine explained to the court that there is not sufficient funds in his husband''s estate to discharge the debts & liabilities of his estate. She wants an order of Publication for the sale of some of their properties. Court orders that all person interest in this estate be notified of the Publication for 4 weeks in the local newspaper, Missouri Volksfriend, of the future sale of the properties and if no one shows good reason for not having the sale, an order will be made by the court for the sale.
November 15, 1887 - The court is satisfied that the deceased''s personal estate is not sufficient to pay the debts due and orders that there be a private sale of the properties listed in the petition
February 23, 1888 - Katherine brings a report of the sale of her properties and the arnont received

for their sale. The court approves of the sale and directs a Deed be made out to Jefferson City Home Land Co.
May 17, 1889 - Katherine presents her accounts and vouchers for her first annual settlement. Her accounts have a balance of $362.22, which is approved by the court.
August 13, 1889 - Final settlement is reached. Ktherine shows a balance of $32.47 in her husband''s estate after having paid all the debts/liabilities. Court orders the "said estate" be closed and Katherine to receive $32.47 amount as there is no personal estate amount for her.
An obituary entitled, "MRS. KATHERINE WEISS DffiDS, WAS 79 YEARS OLD", appeared in the Daily Capital News on December 5, 1922. It said that Katherine was the last of the Kieselbach family who came from Germany to U.S.A. before the Civil War. She had suffered from a long illness that developed into pneumonia. Her services were conducted by the Reverend of the Evangelical Church and she was buried in the Evangelical Cemetary. She was survived by 7 of her children.
Katherine''s Will, dated June 9, 1920, was filed with the Judge of the Cole County, MO Probate Court on December 9, 1922. She bequeathed to her daughter, Tonie, the sum of $200.00; and authorized the proceeds of the sale of her property, real and personal, to be divided between all hei children-Elizabeth Hollingsworth, Theresia Weiss, Frank Weiss, Tonie Weiss, Mrs Katherma Jacke, May Hold and Frances Evelar. She appointed her son-in-law, August Evelar and son, Fran! to be executors of her Will.

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Katie was born in Leimbach, Sachsen-Meinign, German on June 3, 1843 and christened in the Evangelische Kirche, Leimbach on June 10, 1843. She emigrated from Germany, leaving the port of Bremen aboard the sailing barque, Louisiana with her mother and seven other family members. They arrived at the port of New York on May 17, 1860, stating their final destinaton to be Cleveland, Ohio. She married John M. Weiss in 1868 and this union produced ten children.
On May 17, 1866, she filed a petition for separation in the Cole County Circuit Court (Volume M, 1884-1890, Book AA, Page 193, Cole County, Missouri) but changed her mind about the separation; perhaps she knew he was terminally ill and did not want to risk losing her share of the estate). On August 25, 1887 (Probate Court Records, 1834-1889, Vol. K, Cole County, MO) Katherine explained to the court that there is not sufficient funds in his husband''s estate to discharge the debts & liabilities of his estate. She wants an order of Publication for the sale of some of their properties. Court orders that all person interest in this estate be notified of the Publication for 4 weeks in the local newspaper, Missouri Volksfriend, of the future sale of the properties and if no one shows good reason for not having the sale, an order will be made by the court for the sale.
November 15, 1887 - The court is satisfied that the deceased''s personal estate is not sufficient to pay the debts due and orders that there be a private sale of the properties listed in the petition
February 23, 1888 - Katherine brings a report of the sale of her properties and the arnont received

for their sale. The court approves of the sale and directs a Deed be made out to Jefferson City Home Land Co.
May 17, 1889 - Katherine presents her accounts and vouchers for her first annual settlement. Her accounts have a balance of $362.22, which is approved by the court.
August 13, 1889 - Final settlement is reached. Ktherine shows a balance of $32.47 in her husband''s estate after having paid all the debts/liabilities. Court orders the "said estate" be closed and Katherine to receive $32.47 amount as there is no personal estate amount for her.
An obituary entitled, "MRS. KATHERINE WEISS DffiDS, WAS 79 YEARS OLD", appeared in the Daily Capital News on December 5, 1922. It said that Katherine was the last of the Kieselbach family who came from Germany to U.S.A. before the Civil War. She had suffered from a long illness that developed into pneumonia. Her services were conducted by the Reverend of the Evangelical Church and she was buried in the Evangelical Cemetary. She was survived by 7 of her children.
Katherine''s Will, dated June 9, 1920, was filed with the Judge of the Cole County, MO Probate Court on December 9, 1922. She bequeathed to her daughter, Tonie, the sum of $200.00; and authorized the proceeds of the sale of her property, real and personal, to be divided between all hei children-Elizabeth Hollingsworth, Theresia Weiss, Frank Weiss, Tonie Weiss, Mrs Katherma Jacke, May Hold and Frances Evelar. She appointed her son-in-law, August Evelar and son, Fran! to be executors of her Will.
Elizabetha Scharfenberg
2 FEB 1811 - 5 MAY 1889